
23 January 2013


So I've decided to use a trip to Russia as an excuse to revive this blog from its dormancy.  Audra and I are here until August while she completes the historian's rite of passage:  archival research.  Since I have few obligations apart from keeping our apartment clean and our bellies full, I thought it would be good to do some writing.

For the next months, I'll write two different sorts of posts for this blog.  For the first sort, I'll record and reflect on our experiences in Russia, although not as regularly as on Audra's blog.  For the second sort, I hope to write, on a semi-regular basis, a mini homily on the lectionary texts.  I intend the latter to serve mainly as a form of self-discipline and as a way of continuing my preparation for Holy Orders.  The former will form a travelogue proper, which I hope will be of interest to others.


Samantha said...

I'm delighted that you will also be recording your experiences, so we can all keep up with what you're doing and learn a little bit about life in a country we may never have the opportunity to visit. And when I was unemployed, I too found that my blog provided a wonderful source of discipline and place to keep writing. Best of luck in these endeavors (and keep warm!)

joe byler said...

Excited that you will be sharing updates and thoughts!